The Certified Professional Empowerment Coach (CPEC) program provides the combination of knowledge building, skill development, supervised practice coaching, and actual coaching experience which assures that each graduate has demonstrated competency to coach at a professional level.
“A lot of counselors have transitioned from a psychotherapy model to more coaching, so I really wanted to learn more about it, not only for the work that I do helping people but also being able to apply that to helping others. I’ve been able to make changes personally that have helped me professionally. it has been a great experience. I think that it really helps provide a process and a methodology of working with students in particular, that you don’t have to have all of the answers. Students come in for a variety of reasons and coaching helps provide them a way to think through how they are going to do it themselves and then take ownership of the process. It’s awesome. You should take the program!“
– Scott Shaw, Ph.D, Health Psychologist
Following are 8 criteria that we urge you to use as you explore Coach Certification programs and evaluate the coach training organizations that provide them.
For each criteria, we will also explain what our Certified Professional Empowerment Coach program offers.
Expands and deepens your knowledge of the coaching process and skills, and equips you to coach in a variety of situations
Our certification consists of 18 online 90-minute workshops that focus on the Core Competencies of Coaching, The Process of Coaching, and Advanced Coaching Skills. We also offer workshops that focus on Attracting Coaching Clients, Building Your Coaching Practice, Choosing Your Niche, and the Legal & Ethical aspects of Coaching
Provides extensive practice coaching, supervised by a certified professional coach.
Our certification includes 15 weekly, online, 75-minute Coaching Practicum sessions, guided by a certified, professeional Mentor Coach.
Requires at least 40 hours of coaching experience with real clients, supervised by a certified professional coach.
We require 40 hours of coaching experience with at least 4 real clients, only one of which can be a personal friend. Most of our certification candidates complete this requirement within 6 months or less. This coaching is supervised by a certified, professional Mentor Coach.
Provides a certified, professional Mentor Coach to support the certification candidate in every aspect of the program, every step of the way.
A certified, professional Mentor Coach is provided for each Coaching Practicum group of certification candidates. In addition to scheduling 6 check-up one-on-one sessions with each candidate, the Mentor Coach is easily accessible to every student.
Evaluates your knowledge, skills, and coaching competence to validate that you are achieving the goals and desired outcomes of the certification program.
Each certification candidate’s Mentor Coach evaluates their progress during the online workshops, the Coaching Practicum sessions, and as part of each check-up session. In addition, each candidate takes a final written exam and participates in a final interview with their Mentor Coach.
Provides assistance in attracting clients and building a successful coaching practice and/or acquiring a professional coaching position in an organization.
Three of the online workshops focus on attracting coaching clients, positioning and marketing your coaching practice, and assessing both your influencing and self-management strengths.
Adheres to a defined Code of Coaching Ethics.
The definitions and ethical standards we use are consistent with and adapted from the International Coach Federation (ICF) standards.
Follows the core competencies of the International Coaching Federation.
Our Certified Professional Empowerment Coach program follows the core competencies of the International Coaching Federation, but we also teach the process of coaching. In other words, we don't just teach the 'what' of coaching, we teach the 'how' of coaching.
“The professional certification course has given me a blessing I will hold dear to my heart for years to come. The strength and encouragement I received as I was learning was superb and I feel as though the care given to the littlest of details was a high priority from the team that trained us. The Peer Coaching Group part of the process was such a benefit. It allowed time to create our styles of coaching, as well as to listen to different types of coaching. It also gave us the ability to hear different coaching styles. The longer we were in relationship the more comfortable I became to let coaching take place. The whole experience from Class Time to Mentor Coach Time, was of the utmost value for me as I grow forward into empowering others.”
– Deb Vanderband, Director, Equine Assisted Development of the Great Lakes
"I have loved the practical hands-on training. The EC staff have done a great job preparing me. I have grown in confidence as I have practiced and been encouraged throughout the program."
- Ben Vander Kodde,
Grace Adventures
"The training and support through ECN is the very best I have seen in my years of business experience. The methodology and process produce results, and it's applied immediately once the skills training is complete. It unlocks the capable coach in all of us ."
- Steve Biondo, President,
Tim Tebow Foundation
"Tim brought his considerable expertise to
the training sessions on coaching. Practical applications, with clearly communicated goals, were passed on to us. We all benefited from this experience and the effective way Tim passed along that wisdom to us. I am better equipped to coach others due to his teaching."
- Steve Monroe, International
Consultant, Author, CAPS
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